
Backyard Makeover

We spent a good portion of our summer working on giving our backyard a little makeover. It's finally done and I couldn't be happier! Unfortunately, I forgot to take "before" pictures so you won't fully be able to comprehend the transformation, but just trust me when I say it looks 100 times better than before!

First, we decided to paint our patio. It was so cracked and just looked like a hot mess!
Hot mess!


Let the painting begin!

Next, my handy dandy husband built a pergola.

This is my favorite purchase from Lowes.  I put three flameless outdoor candles in it and it's perfect!
I absolutely LOVE these moss covered letters. I reused these letters from our wedding and with some hot glue and moss, created these cute pieces!

 We snagged a new patio furniture set at Target towards the end of the summer for a whopping 70% off! Whoop whoop! (Please excuse the horribly blurry picture. Oops!)
 The picture below is from Hobby Lobby and the lantern is from Pottery Barn.

 Ta Da! Done for the summer! Next summer we hope to add a built in BBQ area. It's been so great spending time outside and enjoying our nice backyard.